I amI AM Amazon

Act as human race
or die as individuals

Lonely cycle-travelers join forces and embark on an extreme journey, to draw attention to the destruction of the Tropical Forest in the Amazon, to the violation of the human rights of its inhabitants and to give a message:
whoever touches the Amazon, touches everyone!

July 2023
A crazy dream. To cross the Amazon by bike

Cross the Brazilian Amazon Forest by bike on the “BR230, Rodovia Transamazonica”. Equatorial heat and suffocating humidity, tropical diseases that are not always curable, life-threatening animals and insects, high risks of armed robbery. A dangerous 2500 km route from Belem to Labrea, the dead end of the Trans-Amazon. Then reverse and head south in the Bolivian Forest up to the Andes at 4500 meters and descend towards the Pacific Ocean.

A trip to the Great Forest to witness the close relationship between the conservation of Nature and respect for Human Rights: the destruction of the former is accompanied by the violation of the latter in a mad and inhuman spiral in the direction of the extinction of our species.

There is only one possibility: “Act as a species or die as individuals”

We are Amazon!

Our Values

We believe that human race and Nature are indivisible. To ensure the survival of our species, it is necessary to halt the destruction of natural ecosystems and, above all, of forests, which are vital for the climate balance and biodiversity of the planet. To do this, it is enough to respect the human rights of those who live there.

Sustainable Trip

Sustainable Trip

A bicycle trip is a sustainable journey. The choice of the vehicle, which feeds on passion and effort, is symbolic and fundamental.

Zero Impact

Zero Impact

Keeping the environmental impact of our trip to a minimum means staying overnight in compliance with local habits, in contexts on a human scale and without seeking unnecessary comforts.

Respecting the Ecosystem

Respecting the Ecosystem

Ecotourism in the Amazon is possible, and allows local communities to finance themselves. But it must be done with respect for the very rich local fauna.

The Riders

We are three lone cycle travelers and we have decided to join forces for this dream. We are ready!